Talent & Skills
Wakefield’s vision to become a UNESCO Learning City & District by 2025 is focused around ensuring residents have the skills to get a job and progress in work and that employers have people with the right skills for the future they need for growth. This ambition will bring together partners and businesses to equip residents with skills needed in the future.
This change will support inclusive growth for Wakefield. It will help to improve the productivity and economic output of our employers, as well as increasing the number of highly skilled and effectively trained people. Partners from businesses to community groups will work together to create an employment and skills system that provides local solutions to local challenges and access to learning is available for all levels and to all ages. There will be an increased participation from hard to reach/disadvantaged communities and learning will be innovative, technologically advanced, and narrows the skills gap to develop a highly skilled workforce, joining skills to your future business needs.
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Wakefield is home to 153 schools and learning institutions including a number of prestigious independent schools
7 universities in local area
UNESCO Learning City & District by 2025